Monday, March 15, 2010

Phii Ruay is getting baptized!

Wow! This week was amazing! YAY! We have had our miracle. Phii Ruay is getting baptized! In three weeks! We went to her house to teach and she stopped us half way through and was like "Sisters, I am ready. I don't want to wait anymore. Apparently she was sitting at the dentist reading a book she found on the table about the "last days" - how the Mayan calendar ends in two years. Then it hit her that our church has the name "the last days" and she was like "I realized that we are the Saints of the last days and that Jesus is coming and that I need to get baptized so I can be ready." Isn't it amazing how after all the praying and hoping, He answers ours and her prayers through a random book about the Mayan calendar? But then she was still feeling like she wasn't ready and she read the chapter we had given her for homework - the baptism chapter in Mosiah - and she read the verses about being willing to follow the Savior and she got her answer - she thought to herself "I am willing to try and do my best - I don't need to wait anymore". Sister Mark and I were trying really hard not to scream until we left. She was so sweet - she told us about when she was first learning. She was like "Sister Webb would say that God loved me a lot. I always wondered how she could know or how God could love us. But she kept saying it and I thought about it a lot and that was one of the first things I got a testimony of - that God loved me." Man that made me happy. That is about all I knew how to say in Thai at that point and I love saying it. It was really good for me to hear that it had an effect on her. Both her and Bookie bore their testimonies a lot and Bookie started crying - they are both so cute. After all this, we went to dinner and Joy to the World was playing in the restaurant. We thought it was pretty random in a Buddhist country but very appropriate - right after our miracle. We have just been grinning stupidly at each other for the past 24 hours. So exciting! I just wish it would have happened three weeks ago so I could be here, but thats ok. As long as she gets baptized, I am good. Man! Heavenly Father is awesome! The Church is true! Yay!
So I am moving in four days. I can't believe it. I am sad but also excited. I think it is time for a new experience. I have no idea where I am going.
Remember Ma Somnuk? I think I have told you about her. She is the cutest lady ever. She is in her 60's and inactive because of health problems. We love visiting her. While she reads her scriptures, she writes down the ones she likes and then shares them with us. I love her so much. We went and visited her yesterday and she told me that she was glad I am moving because I am like a light and I can take it to another place. My heart pretty much melted at that one!
This whole moving thing is fun! I could be anywhere with anyone next week!
I love you all so darn much!

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